Get Ready to Create a LOVE BREAKTHROUGH By Choosing to BE the Love you Want to See As You are BEing Generous & Loving!

If you haven’t signed up to play in the contest yet, CLICK HERE!


Simply Copy And Paste The Emails, Social Media Posts and Graphics Below, and Send Them To Your Girlfriends and the Women in Your Life Who You LOVE! 

**Remember to tell your friends to use the Coupon Code ELI50, and to type your name in their order form so that we can keep track of your guests and make sure you WIN!**


Email #1

Yellow Highlight = Link to the Event!

Red Highlight= Make Sure to edit with your personal information!

Subject: Ready for EXTRAORDINARY LOVE? Read this!


I know you’re a smart successful woman who also wants an extraordinary loving relationship, so I’m excited to share this with you!

I’m attending an amazing 2-day event for powerful women who are ready to have the love they want in 2023, and I’m inviting the women in my life who I know are committed to having amazing relationships so that you can attend with me!

Have the Loving Relationship You Want and Deserve NOW!

You may know that I’m working with dating and relationship coaches, Gladys Diaz and Michelle Roza (a.k.a. The Love Twins of Heart’s Desire International. Gladys and Michelle went from being completely heartbroken to creating truly inspiring and amazing relationships with their husbands.  They have helped women around the world create happy, loving, intimate relationships that last for a lifetime!

They are hosting their final 2-day event of the year—The Extraordinary Love NOW  Intensive on November 12th-13th—where they are going to share the exact steps they used in their own lives and that they teach other women so that they can create real, extrarordinary, lasting relationships.  

And, because you’re important to me, I’m letting you know about it so that you can attend, too for 50% off the regular price!

Learn the Secrets to Creating Extraordinary Love NOW!

You deserve to have the amazing, happy, loving romantic relationship you want, and this event is the easiest and fastest way to learn how to be in the relationship you want BEFORE the year ends!

I’m excited to share these 2 days together!

To creating the life and love your heart desires,


P.S. This special price is time-sensitive, and I want to make sure that Gladys & Michelle know that you’re a friend of mine, let me know when you sign up so that I can let my coaches know that you’re coming. 

Click below to grab your spot and save $$$ off the regular ticket price!

Create the Love You Desire and Deserve!

Email #2

Yellow Highlight= Link to the Event!

Red Highlight= Make Sure to edit with your personal information!


Subject: I have a special invitation for you!

Hi ____,

The end of the year is almost here, and, if you’re like me, you set some big goals in January.

If one of your goals was to be in a happy, loving relationship, I have something really special to invite you to!

I’m attending an amazing 2-day event for powerful women who are ready to have the love they want in 2023, and I’m inviting the women in my life who I know are committed to having amazing relationships so that you can attend with me!

Go here now to save $$$ on the regular ticket price:

Become Click here to claim the love you want!

In the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive, and my love coaches, Gladys Diaz and Michelle Roza, will be sharing the same steps they took to go from widowed and divorced to very, very happy wives.  They now teach other around the world to do the same!

I know what their teaching works, because I’m using it in my own life, and I’ve seen the results other women have created in their love lives and relationships!

I know that you can have the extraordinary relationship you want, too, so I wanted to share this opportunity to get a ticket for at a special price!

Create the Life and Love Your Heart Desires in 2022!

Here’s to both of us having the life and love of our dreams,


P.S. This is YOUR TIME to learn how to create the loving, happy, connected relationship you really want.

This event truly is life-changin.  The women who attend often experience a breakthroughs and transformation right in the room and take action that completely changes their love lives and relationships before they the event is even over!

I can’t wait to share this experience with you!

Learn more here:

Transform Your Love Life in Just 2  Days

Email #3

Yellow Highlight= Link to the Event

Red Highlight= Make Sure to edit with your personal information!

Subject: Want REAL LOVE? Then it’s time to make a change.


You’re a smart successful woman, which is one of the reasons we’re friends!  This is also why I want to share a really amazing opportunity with you!

The year’s about to end, and, if you’re like me, you’re ready to be in a happy, loving relationship in the new year.

I’m writing to you because one of the steps I’m taking to make sure this happens for me is attending the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive on November 12th & 13th!

And, because you’re my friend, I’m sharing a special link that will have you save a lot of $$$ off the regular ticket price for the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive.

Go here to grab your seat:

Take Action: Get the LOVE you Want!

You’re an extraordinary woman and you deserve Extraordinary Love NOW. 

That’s why NOW is the time to claim the love, happiness, and fulfillment you want in your life by attending the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive with me!

Here’s to both of us having the life and love our heart desires this year!



P.S. The year is ending and your dreams are waiting for you! Don’t put them off any longer. Join my Love Coaches, Gladys & Michelle, and me at the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive, and take advantage of this special ticket price here:

Make the Leap and Have a Love Breakthrough NOW!



Social Media Posts

Social Media Post 1:

Ready to have a real BREAKTHROUGH in your love life?

What if I told you that in 3 days, you could be on the path to creating the extraordinary love you want NOW?  You’d probably say, “Tell me more!,” right? Well, your wish is my command!

You CAN have the life and loving relationship your heart desires! And you’ll discover how at the Extraordinary Love Intensive on November 12th & 13th —which you can attend for more than 95% off as my friend!
Learn more here: <<ENTER YOUR LINK>> 


Social Media Post 2:

Right now is the time for you to start attracting and creating the real love you want! And, because you are my friend, I’m hooking you up with a ticket for over 97% off to the Extraordinary Love NOW Intenstive on November 12th & 13th!

Go here now to save 97% off the regular ticket price: <<ENTER YOUR LINK>> 


Social Media Post 3:

You’re smart, successful, and you get what you want. (That’s why we’re friends, right? 😉 )

AND you deserve extraordinary love, too!

This is why I would love for you to join me at the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive on November 12th & 13th.

My friends and love coaches, Gladys Diaz and Michelle Roza are hosting the event, and, because you’re a friend of mine, you get to save 97% off the regular ticket price (plus a ton of bonuses) for the Extraordinary Love NOW Intensive,

This offer is only for a short time, so go here to grab your ticket now:

Right-click the image below to use in your emails and social media posts.